The woman [...] tells us she’s had a “change of heart” and will NOT sell the pics to anyone, for any price. [...]
The seller also admits she was NOT the person on the other side of the X-rated Skype convo with T.O. … and claims she found the pics on a computer she bought from her friend.
“(The photos) have been deleted and no longer exist,” she added.
So what changed? That’s a good question. She seemed so gung-ho to sell them and apparently was considering at least two separate bids. And then, out of nowhere, she pulls the offer off the table.
Is it possible Owens himself came in to kill the whole thing? That might explain why the photos “no longer exist.” Might have T.O. purchased the pics himself? That would be surprising given that, you know, he has no money. It would be more likely that his crack legal team threatened a lawsuit and scared the woman off. But, granted, it’s still unclear whether T.O. played any part.
It’s sort of unsurprising, really, for T.O., no stranger to providing distractions, to have a sex scandal. And yet, it’s over before it really got started.
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